The world’s most evil chemical promoters and food POLLUTERS all exposed at one website

Just like in any federal prison, one can easily locate the dregs of humanity. The worst criminals, liars, thieves, and low-life scumbags always get caught, at least eventually, ruining other people’s lives in the wake of their own greed and indifference. Today, a new “cell block” has been identified, where all the shills, charlatans, hucksters, and journalistic hacks have been cataloged, along with their “mug shots,” so that hopefully their negative impact on human health and the environment can be “arrested” and brought to an end.

Unfortunately, in America, there are many more criminals still “on the loose,” but for now, the worst repeat offenders have been identified and exposed, and their “rap sheets” are available for viewing all at one website.

That’s right, the world’s worst chemical promoters and food polluters have been “jailed” at, and you can take a tour of their “cell block” right now, so you know exactly who is insidiously spreading disease and disorder all over this country with their corporate-scripted propaganda.

Health enthusiasts now have JURISDICTION over the chemical-promoting thugs of America

How are the world’s worst “polluters” ruining so many innocent lives? These shills use all the language of the organic world to describe pesticides and GMOs in order to trick consumers and farmers into believing poisons are healthy and sustainable. They even get paid to post and regurgitate pre-scripted corporate propaganda written by Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow Chemical, Dupont, Cargill, and all the other agri-chemical, biotechnology cartels.

Natural News, over the years, has exposed many of the worst of these “convicts,” and now Polluter Watch made it even better by creating an online polluter encyclopedia. The anti-environmental and anti-health thugs should have serial numbers under their mug shots, but even better, there’s now a whole sordid summary of their “offenses,” including who they shill for, how they get paid, and where to find their lies and propaganda, so you won’t ever fall for it again.

Top polluters and industry front group shills Jon Entine, Henry Miller, Jack Gerard, Keith Kloor, Nina Federoff, and Patrick Moore all completely exposed

Historic documents have been archived as a project to expose not only individuals, but organizations, that all work to undermine conservation efforts and what few protections we have left in place for our organic agriculture and wildlife. The “Anti-Environmental Archives” at Polluter Watch reveals nearly 30,000 pages in over 3,500 documents, covering 350 organizations and hucksters that try to convince us all that eating chemicals and spreading them on crops is the smartest, safest, and most efficient practice we can engage in, when in reality, those same chemicals are the leading causes of cancer and dementia.

The rise of the chemical crop world really took off under Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, and as every year goes by, through FOIA requests, Polluter Watch is documenting new research and court records to expose the world’s worst chemical-promoting criminals.

Natural News has already exposed Jon Entine as one of the worst polluters in the world. This animal was dragged through divorce court after repeatedly abusing his wife in front of his teenage daughter. A former TV news producer turned full-time chemical shill, this clown promotes anything that kills humans as “safe” and “sustainable.” Entine used to write for Forbes Magazine until Natural News flipped over all his dirty rocks and exposed him for committing domestic violence, along with his chemical-propaganda violence.

Entine is nothing but a chemical apologist who happens to run a Monsanto front group called the Genetic Literacy Project, where he basically contends that anyone who doesn’t drink Roundup straight from the bottle is “anti-science.” With financial ties to the insidious Bill Gates, Entine functions as a pseudo-journalist who publishes Monsanto’s own fraudulent research as his own “opinions.” He’ll claim there are mountains of research to back up his lies, but none of it can be found anywhere.

At Polluter Watch, you’ll find the biggest liars in the world spreading propaganda so they can pay for their yachts and continue to be the “presstitutes” they’ve sold their souls to become. No matter what they say or what they promote, remember that these are the criminals who want you dying while heeding their advice. They live apathetically in their own world of hurt.

You can also tune into to find out more about the chemicals you should be avoiding like the plague. Stick to organic food and never doubt yourself again. This has been a public service announcement from Natural News. Please join our infinite quest for the truth, clean food, sustainability, and longevity.

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